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KAREN PROPP received her PhD from the creative writing program at the University of Utah. She has taught writing at Boston College, the University of Massachusetts, and the University of New Hampshire. She is the author of two memoirs, In Sickness and in Health and The Pregnancy Project. |
Here Grace Paley Introduction FROM SILVER TO GOLD Fifty Years in the Bonds of Matrimony Anne Bernays The Occasional Persistence of Love Marge Piercy The Marriage of Lost Fathers Susan Dworkin A Great Wall Aimee Liu Koan Kathleen Aguero An Experiment in Improvisation Bharati Mukherjee FROM STEEL TO CHINA A Twenty-First-Century Ritual Erica Jong Third Time Around: Snapshots from at Long Last a Long-Term Marriage Julia Alvarez The Finish Line Jean Trounstine Mrs. Married Person Susan Cheever In the Ink of My Blood Maria Hinojosa 18,260 Breakfasts Eve LaPlante The Two of Us Jennifer Heath FROM SUGAR TO TIN Gathered Elizabeth Graver First Person Plural Helen Fremont Preserved in Salt: How Emerl Live! and Egyptology Are Saving My Marriage Liza Wieland Murmurs Audrey Schulman My Husband, His Girlfriend, Her Husband, My Lover, and Others Hannah Pine Matching Luggage Karen Propp FROM PAPER TO WOOD Being Mr. Packer ZZ Packer Monogamy Meltdown Kamy Wicoff I'd Have to Be Even Crazier Than I Am to Screw This One Up Meredith Maran Of Rivers and Love Diana Abu-Jaber Marrying Out of History Nell Casey Author Biographies Acknowledgments About the Editors |