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教育部高等学校心理学教学指导委员会推荐用书! 这部由劳伦·阿洛伊、约翰·里斯金德、玛格丽特·曼努斯等三人合煮的《变态心理学》无论是从专业训练的角度,还是从科普的角度,都既符合学科发展要求,又能够满足普通读者和专业人员的需求。首先,劳伦·阿洛伊和约翰·里斯金德是两位资深的病理心理学家,他们的研究成果为变态心理学的发展做出了重要的贡献。由他们编写的教材保证了学术性和权威性。而玛格丽特·曼努斯,作为一位深受读者欢迎的畅销书作者和专栏作家,她的加盟使得这本教科书的风格更加活跃、更有可读性。因此,这可以看作是一本“畅销书式的教科书”,使学习变态心理学成为一种享受,也拓宽了该书的适用面,由学院中的教科书成为普通公众的“可以把握的生活指导”。 其次,在本书的内容安排上,既注重了心理学理论对变态或异常行为的解释以及最新研究成果的总结,又特别强调了对各种症状或症候群的客观描述,使读者可以对整个学科的全部内容以及最新的研究进展和发展方向都有一个完整的概念。读者不仅可以从中获得相关的知识,而且可以很容易地确定自己所要研究的问题。这对于专业人员而言,无疑是一本教科书最重要的品质之一。 王登峰 北京大学人格与社会心理学研究中心北京大学心理学教授、博士生导师 |
Lauren B. Alloy is an internationally recognized re-searcher in the area of mood disorders. Her work ondepression has had a major impact on the fields of clin-ical, personality, social, and cognitive psychology. Sheis currently Professor of Psychology at Temple Univer-sity. Previously at Northwestern University, she becamethe youngest Professor in the university's history andthe Mst woman to become a Professor in Northwest-em's psychology departm.. << 查看详细 |
part one introduction to abnormal psychology 1 abnormal psychology: historical perspectives 2 diagnosis andassessment 3 research methods in abnormal psychology part two theoretical perspectives 4 the behavioral, cognitive, and sociocultural perspectives 5 the psychodynamic, humanistic-existential,and interpersonal perspectives 6 the neuroscience perspective part three emotional and behavioral disorders 7 anxiety disorders 8 dissociative and somatoform disorders 9 stress and physical disorders 10 mood disorders 11 personality disorders 12 the nature of substance dependence and abuse 13 sexual dysfunctions, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders part four psychotic and neuropsychological disorders 14 schizophrenia and delusionaldisorder 15 neuropsychoiogical disorders .part five developmental disorders 16 disorders of childhood and adolescence 17 mental retardation and autism part six legal and ethical issues in abnormal psychology 18 legal and ethical issues in abnormal psychology |