“Black cat. /Gray cat. /Rich cat. /Stray cat.” begins the oh-so-familiar tale. “Slinky cat. /Stinky cat. /Silly cat. /Chilly cat.” A large font with only two to four words per page will ensure that the earliest readers can experience success in reading. As the text progresses, the cats hurry to a meeting place: “All these cats, they like one thing. /All these cats, they like to . . . ” With a turn of the page, emergent readers will be rewarded with having predicted the next word: “Sing.” The vibrant illustrations have a coloring-book feel, but the cats are nevertheless adorable. Full of energy, the pictures add touches of conflict, like when the white cat stands in front of a freshly painted fence and becomes a green cat. A cellist practicing on a balcony has to compete with the yowling cats, but much to the musician’s chagrin, one of the cats has the last word. This amusing addition to the Step into Reading series is sure to tickle readers’ funny bones. Preschool-Grade 1. --Patricia Austin --This text refers to the Library Binding edition. |