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The Warcraft Archive

The Warcraft Archive

最 低 价:¥90.30

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  • The Warcraft Archive
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    In the past, the world of Azeroth teemed with wondrous creatures of every kind-until the arrival of the demonic army known as Burning Legion shattered the world's tranquillity forever. Now Orcs, dragons, goblins and trolls all battle for supremacy over the scattered, warring kingdoms-part of a grand, malevolent scheme that will determine the fate of the world of WarCraft. In Day of the Dragon, the maverick Mage, Rhonin, goes on a perilous journey into the Orc-controlled lands of Khaz Modan to uncover a vast, far-reaching conspiracy, darker than anything he ever imagined. In Lord of the Clans, the tumultuous story of the enigmatic Orc known as Thrall-who has been a slave, gladiator, shaman and warchief-is at last told. The Last Guardian depicts Medivh's struggle against the malice within him to become one with the fate of Azeroth itself...and change the world forever. And in Blood and Honor, the noble Paladin Tirion Fordring-enemy of the Orcs-finds his most fundamental beliefs challenged when an unexpected act of compassion forces him to decide who are the men-and who are the monsters.


    Aside from his extensive work in Dragonlance, Richard A. Knaak is best known for his popular Dragonrealm series. His other works include several contemporary fantasies, including Frostwing (Time Warner) and King of the Grey (Time Warner). In addition to LEGACY OF BLOOD, he has written Day of the Dragon for the Warcraft series and will soon return to Diablo for a second tale. Christie Golden has written for several SF and Fantasy tie-in series. A massively popular author with Star Trek Voyager fans, her Voyager novels include the Dark Matters trilogy, The Murdered Sun, Marooned and the top-selling Seven of Nine. She lives in Colorado. Chris Metzen is the creative director at Blizzard Entertainment and the story developer behind the bestselling WarCraft and Worlds of Warcraft video games.





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