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Geronimo Stilton #17: Watch Your Whiskers Stilton

Geronimo Stilton #17: Watch Your Whiskers Stilton

最 低 价:¥30.80

定 价:¥58.00

作 者:Geronimo Stilton

出 版 社:Scholastic US; 2005-03-01


I S B N:9780439691406




Book DescriptionGeronimo Stilton, is a best-selling book series written by Geronimo Stilton. In the series, Geronimo Stilton is a fictional character, an Italian speaking mouse who lives in New Mouse City on The Island of Mice. A best-selling author, he works as a journalist for the fictional newspaper The Rodent s Gazette. He has a younger sister named Thea Stilton, a cousin named Trap Stilton, and favorite nephew, nine-year-old Benjamin Stilton. Geronimo is a nervous, mild-mannered mouse who would like nothing better than to live a quiet life, but he keeps getting involved in far-away adventures with Thea, Trap and Benjamin. The books are written as though they are autobiographical adventure stories.Cheesecake! A mysterious one-eyed rat was trying to steal The Rodent s Gazette from under my snout! I had to stop him -- but how? My business manager, Shif T. Paws, came up with a plan. He arranged for me to appear on a TV quiz show. If I won, the Gazette was safe. But if I lost -- SQUEAK! -- I had to give up my tail!Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)13.6






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