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Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications. 5th ed.人类遗传

Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications. 5th ed.人类遗传

最 低 价:¥135.00

定 价:¥225.00

作 者:RickiLewis 著

出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House


I S B N:9780071198493




This is a non-science majors human genetics text that clearly explains what genes are, how they function, how they interact with the environment, and how our understanding of genetics has changed since completion of the human genome project. It is a clear, modern and exciting book for citizens who will be responsible for evaluating new medical options, new foods, and new technologies in the age of genomics. - Over fifty new pieces of colour-coded art present basic concepts of single-gene inheritance, chromosome structure, and DNA structure and function, helping students visualize the material they have just read. - Up-to-date genome information has been integrated throughout the text, giving students a modern perspective of human genetics. - Because the study of human behaviour has greatly expanded, Chapter 7 from the fourth edition (Multifactorial and Behavioral Traits) has been divided into two separate chapters in the fifth edition: Multifactorial Traits (covering basic methods and concepts) and The Genetics of Behavior (covering specific behaviours).



Part One Introduction
1 Overview of Genefics
2 Cells
3 Development
Part Two Transmission Genetics
4 Mendelian Inheritance
5 Extensions and Exceptions to Mendels Laws
6 Matters of Sex
7 Mulfiactorial Traits
8 The Genetics of Behavior of Behavior
Part Three DNA and Chromosornes
9 DNA Structure and Replication
10 Gene Action and Expression
11 Gene Mutafion
12 Chromosomes
Part Four Population Genetics
13 When Allele Frequencies Stay Constant
14 Changing Allele Frequencies
15 Human Origins and Evolufion
Part Five Immunity and Cancer
16 Genetics of Immunity
17 The Genetics of Cancer
Part Six Genetic Technology
18 Genetically Modified Organisms
19 Gene Theropy and Genetic Counseling
20 Agricultural
21 Reproductive Technologies
22 The Human Genome Project and Genomics




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