最 低 价:¥11.60
定 价:¥41.60
作 者:Johann David Wyss 著
出 版 社:Spain
I S B N: 57040611062 </td></tr><tr><td width="14%" class="
Johann David Wyss,bom in Bem in 1743,worked as a pastor at a Church in his native City.He wrote the Story Of a shipwrecked family to entenain his fOur SonS and teach them about nature andfamiIy vaIues,deliberateIy adapting DanieI Defoe's R0binson Crusoe.which had been pubIished in 1719. His son JOhann RudoIf Wyss,born in1782,became a professor of philOsophyat Bem University and was well—knownln his day as a folklorist.He is ChIetIyremembered today for his part in editing his father's manuscript and arranglng its pubIlcation in 1813,five years befOre hisfather's death.The younger Wyss also pubIished Several folk tales and wrotehe Swiss nationaI anthem before hisdeath in 1830 The swiss familyRobinson waS widely translated and wasmade into a 1960 filrn Starrlng JOhn Mills and Dorothy MCGuire aS the ingenious parents. |