作者简介Jon Brisbin is a member of the SpringSource Spring Data team and focuses on providing developers useful libraries to facilitate next-generation data manipulation. He's helped bring elements of the Grails GORM object mapper to Java-based MongoDB applications, he's provided key integration components between the Riak datastore and the RabbitMQ message broker, he blogs and speaks on evented application models, and is working diligently to bridge the gap between the bleeding-edge non-blocking and traditional JVM-based applications. Oliver Gierke is engineer at SpringSource, a division of VMware, project lead of the Spring Data JPA, MongoDB and core module. He has been into developing enterprise applications and open source projects for over 6 years now. His working focus is centered around software architecture, Spring and persistence technologies. He is regularly speaking at German and international conferences as well as author of technology articles. Thomas Risberg is currently a member of the Spring Data team focusing on the MongoDB and JDBC Extensions projects. He is also a committer on the Spring Framework project, primarily contributing to enhancements of the JDBC framework portion. Thomas works on the VMware's Cloud Foundry team developing integration for the various frameworks and languages supported by the Cloud Foundry project. Thomas is co-author of "Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework" together with Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Alef Arendsen, and Colin Sampaleanu, published by Wiley in 2005. Dr. Mark Pollack has worked on Big Data solutions in High Energy Physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory and then moved to the financial services industry as a technical lead or architect for front office trading systems. Always interested in best practices and improving the software development process, Mark has been a core Spring (Java) developer since 2003 and founded its Microsoft counterpart, Spring.NET, in 2004. Mark now leads the Spring Data project that aims to simplify application development with new data technologies around Big Data and NoSQL databases. Michael Hunger has been passionate about software development for a long time. He is particularly interested in the people who develop software, software craftsmanship, programming languages, and improving code. For the last two years he has been working with Neo Technology on the Neo4j graph database. As the project lead of Spring Data Neo4j he helped developing the idea to become a convenient and complete solution for object graph mapping. He is also taking care of Neo4j cloud hosting efforts. As a developer he loves to work with many aspects of programming languages, learning new things every day, participating in exciting and ambitious open source projects and contributing to different programming related books. Michael is also an active editor and interviewer at InfoQ. |