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50 Ways to Protect Your Identity in a Digital Age: New Financial Threats You Need to Know and How to Avoid Them

50 Ways to Protect Your Identity in a Digital Age: New Financial Threats You Need to Know and How to Avoid Them

最 低 价:¥146.90

定 价:¥184.57

作 者:Steve Weisman

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780133089073





Steve Weisman hosts the radio show A Touch of Grey, syndicated to 50 stations nationwide, including WABC (NYC) and KRLA (LA). A senior lecturer at Bentley College, he is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and is admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. The legal editor for Talkers Magazine and a monthly columnist for the American Institute of Economic Research, he writes for publications ranging from The Boston Globe to Playboy and earned an ABA Certificate of Merit for excellence in legal journalism. His books include The Truth About Avoiding Scams, featured on Dr. Phil and CNN. Weisman holds a J.D. degree from Boston College Law School. He also operates the website www.scamicide.com, which provides the latest information on scams and identity theft.



Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Identity Theft 3 Chapter 2: Making Yourself Less Vulnerable to Identity Theft 25 Chapter 3: Danger on the Computer and What to Do If You Are the Victim of Identity Theft 43 Chapter 4: Your Social Security Number--An Identity Thief's Lucky Number 63 Chapter 5: Criminal Identity Theft, Taxes--And More Arresting Problems 81 Chapter 6: Technology, Business, and Government Fight Identity Theft 105 Chapter 7: Financial Privacy Please: The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 119 Chapter 8: Credit Reports 127 Chapter 9: Congress Deals with Credit Reports and Identity Theft: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act 151 Chapter 10: Protecting Your Privacy--A Key to Preventing Identity Theft 161 Chapter 11: ID Theft-Security Software 169 Chapter 12: The Dangers of Data Breaches 171 Chapter 13: Identity Theft Insurance--Worth the Price? 181 Chapter 14: Identity Theft after Death 185 Chapter 15: Identity Theft and the Elderly 189 Chapter 16: Identity Theft from Children 195 Chapter 17: Identity Theft Risks of Smartphones and Other Mobile Devices 201 Chapter 18: Identity Theft Threats with Credit Cards and Debit Cards 211 Chapter 19: Medical Identity Theft 219 Chapter 20: Identity Theft and Social Media 225 Chapter 21: Form Letters 235 Chapter 22: Steve's Rules 273 Index 281




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