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Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks

Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks

最 低 价:¥995.30

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作 者:Andrew Adamatzky

出 版 社:


I S B N:9789814407038






Introduction (Andrew Adamatzky); Methods: How We Made Experiments and Analysed Their Results (Andrew Adamatzky); Trans-African Highways (Andrew Adamatzky and Anne Kayem); Tracing Historical Development of Australian Highways (Andrew Adamatzky and Mikhail Prokopenko); Belgian Transport Networks: Redundancy and Dissolution (Andrew Adamatzky, Bernard De Baets and Wesley Van Dessel); Brazilian Highways from Slime Mould's Point of View (Andrew Adamatzky and Pedro P B De Oliveira); Trans-Canada Slimeways: From Coast to Coast to Coast (Andrew Adamatzky and Selim G Akl); Slime Mould Imitates Highways in China (Andrew Adamatzky, Xin-She Yang and Yu-Xin Zhao); Schlauschleimer auf Autobahnen: The Case of Germany (Andrew Adamatzky and Theresa Schubert); Vie Physarale: Roman Roads With Slime Mould (Emanuele Strano, Andrew Adamatzky and Jeff Jones); Malaysian Expressways: Is There a Logic Behind? (Andrew Adamatzky, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Amar Faiz Zainal Abidin and Badaruddin Muhammad); Physarum Narcotraficum: Mexican Highways and Slime Mould (Andrew Adamatzky, Genaro J Martinez, Sergio V Chapa-Vergara, Rene Asomoza-Palacio and Christopher R Stephens); Physarum in the Netherlands: Responding to the Flood (Andrew Adamatzky, Michael Lees and Peter M A Sloot); Rebuilding Iberian Motorways with Slime Mould (Andrew Adamatzky and Ramon Alonso-Sanz); United Kingdom Road Planning with Slime Mould (Andrew Adamatzky and Jeff Jones); Slimy Interstates in the USA (Andrew Adamatzky and Andrew Ilachinski); The World's Colonisation and Trade Routes Formation (Andrew Adamatzky); Bio-Rationality of Motorways (Andrew Adamatzky, Selim Akl, Ramon Alonso-Sanz, Wesley van Dessel, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Andrew Ilachinski, Jeff Jones, Anne V D M Kayem, Genaro J Martinez, Pedro de Oliveira, Mikhail Prokopenko, Theresa Schubert, Peter Sloot, Emanuele Strano and Xin-She Yang).






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