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The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992-2010

The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992-2010

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作 者:Mario Carpo

出 版 社:


I S B N:9781119951759






Mario Carpo teaches architectural history and theory at the School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette, at the Georgia Institute of Technology and at the Yale School of Architecture. His research and publications focus on the relationship between architectural theory, cultural history and the history of information technology. Among his publications are the award-winning Architecture in the Age of Printing (2001), monographs on Sebastiano Serlio and Leon Battista Alberti, and The Alphabet and the Algorithm (2011), a history and critique of digital design theory. Carpo's writings are also published internationally in journals and architectural magazines.



Introduction Twenty Years of Digital Design Architecture After the Age of Printing (1992) Visions Unfolding: Architecture in the Age of Electronic Media AD September--October 1992 Peter Eisenman The Affects of Singularity AD November--December 1992 Peter Eisenman Folding in Architecture (1993) Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant and the Supple AD March--April 1993 Greg Lynn Shoei Yoh, Prefectura Gymnasium AD March--April 1993 Greg Lynn The Architectural Relevance of Cyberspace (1995) The Architectural Relevance of Cyberspace AD November--December 1995 John Frazer Architectural Experiments AD November--December 1995 John Frazer The Digital and the Global (1996) Yokohama International Port Terminal AD July--August 1996 Foreign Office Architects Field Conditions (1997) From Object to Field AD May--June 1997 Stan Allen Nonlinear Architecture (1997) Nonlinear Architecture. New Science= New Architecture? AD September--October 1997 Charles Jencks Landform Architecture. Emergent in the Nineties AD September--October 1997 Charles Jencks Hypersurfaces (1998) Motor Geometry AD May--June 1998 Lars Spuybroek Salt Water Live, Behaviour of the Salt Water Pavilion AD May--June 1998 Kas Oosterhuis Embryologic Houses(c) (2000) Embryologic Houses(c) AD May--June 2000 Greg Lynn Versioning (2002) Introduction to Versioning. Evolutionary Techniques in Architecture AD September--October 2002 SHoP/Sharples Holden Pasquarelli Eroding the Barriers AD September--October 2002 SHoP/Sharples Holden Pasquarelli Topological Architecture (1998-2003) Bernard Cache/Objectile, Topological Architecture and the Ambiguous Sign AD May--June 1998 Stephen Perrella Philibert De L'Orme Pavilion: Towards an Associative Architecture AD March--April 2003 Bernard Cache Morphogenesis and the Mathematics of Emergence (2004-2006) Introduction to Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies AD May--June 2004 Michael Hensel, Achim Menges and Michael Weinstock Polymorphism AD March--April 2006 Achim Menges Scripting (2006) 20 Years of Scripted Space AD July--August 2006 Malcolm McCullough Collective Intelligence (2006) Introduction to Collective Intelligence in Design AD September--October 2006 Christopher Hight and Chris Perry Computational Intelligence: The Grid as a Post-Human Network AD September--October 2006 Philippe Morel Elegance (2007) The Economies of Elegance. Migrating Coastlines: Residential Tower, Dubai AD January--February 2007 Ali Rahim and Hina Jamelle Deus ex Machina: From Semiology to the Elegance of Aesthetics AD January--February 2007 Mark Foster Gage Building Information Modelling (2009) Optimisation Stories: The Impact of Building Information Modelling on Contemporary Design Practice AD March--April 2009 Richard Garber A New Global Style (2009) Parametricism: A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design AD July--August 2009 Patrik Schumacher Index




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