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Painting in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Painting in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

最 低 价:¥328.00

定 价:¥426.50

作 者:Luisa Sampaio(路易莎·桑帕约)

出 版 社:Skira Editore


I S B N:9788857202938





An inspiring presentation of a visually stunning collection featuring five centuries of great European painting. The Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon presents their permanent exhibition of 120 paintings dating from the 15th to the late 19th century. This lavishly illustrated publication includes beautiful reproductions from artists throughout this period, including 15th-century works by Flemish artist Van der Weyden, the work of Florentine and Venetian masters like Ghirlandaio and Carpaccio, canvases by Dutch masters Rembrandt and Rubens, and a wealth of 18th-century French painting that highlights the museum's extensive interest in the art produced in that era. Works from the first half of the 19th century, including those by Turner, also stand out. The landscapists connected to the Barbizon School are well represented by such names as Daubigny, Corot, and Millet. The collection also includes masterpieces by Fantin-Latour, Manet, Monet, Renoir, and Degas that clearly illustrate the richness of this exceptionally creative period taht began in the mid-1870s. This book offers a sort of virtual visit in which each painting is reproduced in its entirety and then in close-ups of smaller details.


Luísa Sampaio is curator of the Painting Department at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. She has assisted in the organization of a number of exhibits and collaborated in the publication of various catalogues.





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