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Judy Allen is one of the world's leading authorities on staging, event and lifestyle design and the bestselling author of ten books for the professional, business and consumer markets. Allen, a master of creative design, has flawlessly executed successful special events-corporate, social, and celebrity-for up to 2,000 guests at a time in more than 30 countries around the world. She has designed and produced memorable events such as Disney's worldwide theatrical opening-night gala for Beauty and the Beast, and the orchestration of Oscar-winning director Norman Jewison's 25th anniversary celebration for Fiddler on the Roof. Highly skilled in staging events that are strategically designed to be one-of-kind experiences and a master of transforming the energy of an event environment by engaging the senses with trademark primary design principles, Allen has worked closely with CEOs, CFOs, presidents and their executive staff around the globe to create, implement and oversee their corporate and social business events. The many diverse events that Allen has designed and executed extend from complex one-day events to elaborate arrangements of theme productions taking place over the course of a week. These events ranged from very exclusive VIP events to multimillion-dollar, multimedia fantasy extravaganzas including seven new-car product launches and involved high-tech stage and show productions. 朱迪·艾伦,是一位在布置装潢、活动、生活模式设计领域的权威人士,是商务与消费市场方面的十大畅销书的作者。她是创意设计的大师,曾成功举办过各种特殊活动——企业活动、社交活动和全明星活动,其中的大手笔是一次为来自全球30多个国家的2000位客人举办的活动。迪斯尼《美女与野兽》的世界巡回首映晚会以及奥斯卡最佳导演诺曼·杰维森的获奖影片《屋顶上的小提琴手》的25周年庆典都是她的不朽佳作。艾伦在活动策划方面经验丰富、构思巧妙,其策划的活动体验别出心裁,堪称经典之作。她用自己所倡导的设计理念(已注册)融入到人们的感受当中,从而营造出活动的氛围。她曾经和全球多位领军人物密切合作,设计、筹办过无数次企业与社交的商务活动。艾伦所策划、筹办的活动种类繁多,有仅为一日的精彩活动,也有长达一周的主题活动;有高级奢华的活动,也有数百万美金打造的、融入了高科技与表演元素的多媒体盛事传奇。 |