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Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory

Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory

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I S B N:9780415896948





Introduction: Trebor Scholz Why Does Digital Labor Matter Now? I. The Shifting Sites of Labor Markets 1. Andrew Ross On the Digital Labor Question 2. Tiziana Terranova Free Labor 3. Sean Cubitt The Political Economy of Cosmopolis 4. McKenzie Wark Considerations on A Hacker Manifesto II. Interrogating Modes of Digital Labor 5. Ayhan Aytes Return of The Crowds: Mechanical Turk and Neoliberal States of Exception 6. Abigail De Kosnik Fandom as Free Labor 7. Patricia Clough The Digital, Labor and Measure Beyond Biopolitics 8. Jodi Dean Whatever Blogging III. The Violence of Participation 9. Mark Andrejevic Estranged Free Labor 10. Jonathan Beller Digitality and The Media of Dispossession 11. Lisa Nakamura Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: The Racialization of Labor in World of Warcraft IV. Organizing Networksain an Age of Vulnerable Publics 12. Michel Bauwens Thesis on Digital Labor in an Emerging P2P Economy 13. Christian Fuchs Class and Exploitation on the Internet 14. Ned Rossitter and Soenke Zehle Acts of Translation: Organizing Networks as Algorithmic Technologies of the Common Bibliography






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