目录Schermer and Pinxten - Introduction I. Science of on ageing and longevity Wim Pinxten - Scientists expectations of (anti-) aging research Joao De Magalhaes - Pertintent ethical issues in the genomics of ageing II. Images of age and ageing Soren Holm - Ecce Homo: the implicit anthropology of bioethics and the aging person Wim Dekkers - An anthropology of the aging person *John Vincent - The anti-aging movement: contemporary cultures and the social construction of old age *Bert Keizer - Why we don,t like old people Frans Meulenberg - Older people,s own views on age and aging III Ethics in care for elderly Cees Hertogh - Ethics and frail eldery *Frits de Lange - Imagining good aging *Govert den Hartogh - Death wishes of the elderly *Dorothea Touwen - Former wishes and current desires - demented patients and their family members, effort to decide what they would have wanted *Anders Schinkel - Justice and the elderly IV Ethics and prolongevity John Harris - Enhancement: longevity/immortality? Hans van Delden - On the value of being mortal Inez de Beaufort - Will you still love me when I,m..? On beauty and aging. *Maartje Schermer - Old age is an incurable disease - or is it? Marianne Boenink - On shifting disease concepts and molecular medicine (preliminary title) *Hans Joerg Ehni - Life extension for all Struijs, Ten Have, Willems - Healthy aging and personal responsibility V Ethics in an aging society: policy implications Goran Hermeren - Policy implications of views expressed in this volume The titles of some of the contributions are preliminary; all authors have agreed to contribute; the contributions marked with (*) are already in (on 10 July 2011) ai |