目录 Genomic strategies determining progressions from MGUS to Multiple Myeloma.- Prognostic implication of Genetic changes (Cytogenetics, and FISH, gains and losses of DNA by SNP array and aCGH) in risk stratification in myeloma.- Advances in MM gene expression profiling.- Growth factors in MM.- Role of Wnt signaling pathways in multiple myeloma pathogenesis.- mTOR pathway in multiple myeloma.- Jak/STAT signaling in the pathogenesis and treatment of multiple myeloma.- Role of extracellular matrix in myeloma biology.- Osteoclasts: Potential target for blocking microenvironmental support of myeloma.- Targeting the BAFF/APRIL cytokine network in multiple myeloma.- Role of Osteoblast in myeloma pathology.- Migration and homing in Multiple Myeloma.- Genes and proteins of myeloma endothelial cells to search specific targets of the tumor vasculature.- Epigenetic regulation of myeloma within its bone marrow microenvironment.- Targeting mulitple myeloma tumor angiogenesis: focus on VEGF.- Novel in vivo model in myeloma.- Index. |