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Foundations of Nursing Practice Text and Evolve eBooks Packa

Foundations of Nursing Practice Text and Evolve eBooks Packa

最 低 价:¥304.20

定 价:¥345.66

作 者:Chris Brooker BSc MSc RGN SCM RNT

出 版 社:Mosby


I S B N:9780723433569




This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is written specifically to meet the needs of nursing students undertaking the common foundation programme. It aims to explain how and why sensitive, holistic and evidence-based nursing care is carried out. Therefore it is relevant to students who will enter all branches of nursing and includes material that is both common to all and specific to each branch. The book aims to provide all students on foundation nursing and health care programmes with material of sufficient depth/breadth to achieve the NMC outcomes required for entry into the branch programmes. There is an emphasis not only on the theory that underpins nursing practice in the common foundation programme but also on nursing skills which form an increasingly emphasized part of the programme. The chapters have been reviewed by experts from each branch and also clinical skills to ensure the content reflects each branch accurately and appropriately.
  • Emphasis on clinical skills & lifelong learning
  • Realistic scenarios reinforce the need for patient/client-centred care with a holistic approach
  • Activity boxes for all branches and age groups in each chapter ensure relevance to nurses in diverse settings
  • An integrated approach to health promotion with activity boxes emphasises that health maintenance and promotion are central to contemporary nursing practice
  • Reflection, critical thinking and research/appraisal skills are encouraged with a problem centred approach that will help to develop the skills needed to provide sensitive and effective, high quality care and to integrate theory with practice
  • The emphasis on nursing/clinical skills underlines the importance of core skills - an integral part of the patient/client experience
  • Cultural diversity is a core theme throughout
  • The importance of evidence-based practice is highlighted and the text helps readers are assisted to acquire the skills to provide evidence-based care
  • A wide range of general and branch-specific interactive boxes help to develop an understanding of some issues in other branches as well as the core issues that affect all nurses.
  • Self- test questions and answers provide an opportunity for readers to take responsibility for and check their learning.
  • Valuable learning tools are included: glossary of key terms, useful websites and references






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