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80 Islands to: escape to .. and live happily ever after

80 Islands to: escape to .. and live happily ever after

最 低 价:¥218.10

定 价:¥285.60

作 者:

出 版 社:White Star


I S B N:9788854406629




True as it may be, as the poet John Donne said, that "No man is an island," it is equally true that for Man, an island - in the philosophical sense, as well as the geographical - symbolizes the ultimate escape destination for a dream vacation or the dream of a lifetime on holiday, far away from everything and everybody. This book indulges this innate desire in all of us. The islands selected from the five continents have a common denominator: the beauty of the sea, a mild climate and the fact that together they offer a variety of landscapes, cultures and sensations that can satisfy any desire. From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, via the Caribbean, this "inventory for dreamers" features, in words and stunning images, famous locations renowned for their luxury and worldliness, secret hideaways where one can live like Robinson Crusoe even in the 21st century, places that are rich in history and others where the only distraction is the music of Nature. In short, a book that is an irresistible invitation to travel. Even if it is just with your imagination.






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