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Evolvodynamics - The Mathematical Theory of Economic Evolution

Evolvodynamics - The Mathematical Theory of Economic Evolution

最 低 价:¥884.20

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作 者:Len H. Wallast

出 版 社:


I S B N:9783642340550





Len Wallast graduated from Delft University in Communication Engineering and became soon involved in fundamental research in that domain. He is an expert in communication/information theory and time series analysis and managed a mathematics department at Royal Philips. After he graduated with distinction at Rotterdam Erasmus University in economics he led a middle sized accounting firm bearing his name. He kept combining his business orientation with an intense scientific commitment to the theory of macro-economics. He surmised a narrow relationship between Darwinian evolutionary principles, macro-economics and Shannon's communication theory at an early stage already many years ago. The concrete shape of this lifelong enterprise that involves the abandonment and trade-in of the methods of mainstream economics for the applied mathematical methods of the kind Shannon employed is reflected in the present work.



Darwin- and Shannon-Inspired Dynamic Economic Selection.- Sets of Entropy, Selection, Venn Diagrams and Bitpulses.- The Road from Generalized Darwinism to Evolvodynamics.- Exchange and the Circulation of Entropy.- The Interpretation of the Economic Variables.- Money and Liquidity, Time, Work and Effectiveness.- Calculation.- Theory and Confirmation.- Appendices.




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